These days, it seems like we all struggle with an increased workload and higher expectations of what is possible to accomplish over the course of the day. If you’re already a bit of an over-achiever, this can quickly lead to burnout – a place none of us want to be, because at that point, we’re no good to anyone.
If you are one of those people who laugh sardonically when they hear the phrase “work-life balance”, you might be headed for a crash yourself. The good news is, if you’re actually taking time out from your busy day to read this article, you might actually be ready for a change. Here are some actionable tips on how to carve out some work-life balance, and maybe save your sanity in the process:
Work-life balance tip #1: Set clear boundaries for yourself and respect them
There is only so much you can get done in a day. If you are having trouble completing the tasks on your to-do list, then you are clearly overloading yourself. Keep in mind that nobody expects you to be a superhero, but if you continually push the envelope and take on more than you can handle, people will continue to load you up with stuff to do, forgetting that you are a human with needs of their own. Resolve to work within allotted hours, and when these are done, pack it in.
Work-life balance tip #2: Prioritize and delegate
This comes on the heels of work-life balance tip #1, as it will help you get through your most important tasks and not leave you feeling like you’ve failed to get your work done when you leave the office. Each morning, make a list of the must-do or deadline-based tasks and prioritize them in order of importance. Look at the rest of your tasks, and decide what can easily be handled by someone else (an intern, an administrative functionary, a virtual assistant or a colleague) and delegate out to others. This will help you complete your most important tasks without the overwhelming distraction of a voluminous list, and make your self-declared quitting time (see #1) a viable thing.
Work-life balance tip #3: Schedule “me” time into your day
Regardless of what you do, and even if you are a remote worker, you need to schedule some time that is strictly for yourself over the course of the day. Being able to step away from your desk and workload will clear your mind and allow you to come back fresh and energized. Here are some ideas to help you figure out how you’re going to accomplish this: take an invigorating walk first thing in the morning. Set a timer to schedule periodic breaks (maybe 10 minutes every couple of hours), during which you walk away from your desk, and out of the building entirely if possible. Get some fresh air, pump some oxygen into your brain, and, oh yeah – don’t take your smartphone with you.
How My Annapolis Office can help you achieve work-life balance
Work-life balance is not just a pipe dream, it’s a must-do – not only for your health and mental wellbeing but for the sake of your ability to produce quality results for the people who count on you every day. If you are a remote worker, this may seem even more difficult, but flexible office spaces like My Annapolis Office can help. Our executive office and coworking facilities are complete with state-of-the-art office equipment and lightning-fast internet, and our on-site staff is only too keen to help when needed. Call today or drop by for a tour, and let’s talk about your needs!