As a small business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate. As if running the day-to-day wasn’t enough, you’ve always got to have a sales strategy in play in order to grow. Unless you’re one of those unicorn companies that can’t handle any more business, you’re probably in the market for ideas – and we’ve got them!
1. Deliver what you promise
Delivering a consistently reliable product or service is the best way to send the message that you mean business. As a referral strategy, this comes as a prerequisite to most others. If you always produce what you promise, your customers will be happy to spread the good word!
2. Create a referral program
By incentivizing your referrals, you will be encouraging your customers to take that leap without having to ask for help directly. Offer a discount, social recognition, access to loyalty points, swag, gift cards, or a value-added offer to sweeten the pot. For some clients, you might also offer some reciprocity, link to their company’s site on yours, or directly promote their business to your clientele. For instance, My Annapolis Office just raised our referral payout from 10 percent to 15 percent—a nice little bonus just for expressing your satisfaction!
3. Let them know how vital their referral is
Many small business owners are shy to toot their own horn, but the reality is that, quite often, your best customers come from referrals. According to Nielsen, people are four times more likely to make a purchase decision if they are referred by someone they trust. Another way to look at it is as a selling point. If a large portion of your business comes from repeat business, that point alone speaks volumes about your company.
4. Don’t discount the power of LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a fabulous source of referrals, so make sure your company profile is up-to-date and that you engage with your connections regularly. LinkedIn Groups can also be a good source of referrals.
5. Ask for referrals
Sometimes, the most direct approach is the best one. Think about the problems you solve for your customers, then ask your established clients if they know anybody else who might benefit from what you have to offer.
6. Make sure your customers are aware of everything you offer
To encourage as many referrals as possible, make sure your customers know all of the “other” things you do.
7. Host an event
Plan an invitation-only event. Make it exclusive, so that your invitees know they are among the select few. Choose a venue that people are going to want to check out – and be sure to invite both current customers and prospects to get the conversation rolling.
My Annapolis Office is a leading provider of flexible office solutions for small companies, corporations, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and business owners just like you. Call today or drop by for a tour to learn more about what we can do for you.