Summertime in Annapolis is a wonderful thing. Sunshine (hopefully a lot of it), and the beauty and joys of our gorgeous waterfront are things we look forward to throughout the long, cold, wet winters.
But when those joys become distractions, our businesses may suffer – especially home-based businesses, which are often subject to a few additional distractions, like kids out of school, family vacations, pool time, backyard grilling – and the list goes on. Chances are, if you’re home to get that invitation or if your work is stressing you out just a little too much, it’s tempting to just toss it aside in the pursuit of fun in the sun.
Here are some great tips on how to avoid summer distractions:
1.Work at different times
If you know you are going to get bombarded by distractions, maybe it’s time to adjust your schedule. Since you’re working from home, your time is more flexible, so you might want to think about switching your working hours to the evening or early mornings when the house is quiet.
2. Make a schedule and work in spurts
If it’s just not possible to carve out a decent workday in off-hours, you might want to try doing your work in two-hour blocks that you can space out throughout the day. Mapping out what your kids are up to at specific times will help you know when you’ll have the time you need, such as while they’re at day camp or out with their friends.
3. Define your boundaries
If you have a specific place that you work, like an office or a specific room of the house, make sure that your family knows that you are not to be disturbed during your working hours. Post your “hours of business” on the door to the room and keep it closed during that time. If you have younger children, this may be a little more difficult, but most children can amuse themselves or each other for at least a couple of hours at a time. Setting boundaries should also extend to your clients. Be sure to let them know that you will only be available to respond or talk during certain times.
4. Sign the kids up for summer activities
Your kids will likely be looking for fun things to do, so signing them up for summer activities like swimming, horseback riding, and summer camp may help you keep them occupied – and out of your hair.
5. Get some help
While you might not think it’s economically feasible, having full-time governance in your home may allow you to be productive enough to afford it. Even hiring a local teenager to help out and take the kids on excursions or watch them in the pool will take a lot of stress away.
6. Get out of the house
If you’ve tried all of the above and the summer distractions still won’t abate, think about a summertime coworking membership. To help home-based business owners just like you, My Annapolis Office is offering a coworking special of $149 for June, July, and August. With all the extra work you’ll get accomplished, you might be able to take a vacation of your own.
Stop by today or drop us a line to learn more about our summer coworking special.