You know those “Do It All” people? The ones who juggle tasks like a professional circus performer. The ones who seem to have it all together, and look good doing it? Yeah, those people.
How do they do that?
Sometimes it can feel like there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish all the things that need doing. It can start to feel like a real test of your willpower and sanity! How long can you keep going before you upset the delicate balance?
You work hard, and that’s commendable. But this on-the-go lifestyle can start to wear your down. It’s time to reassess the framework of how you accomplish things. It’s time to start working smarter – not harder.
Guided Living
Living your life according to guidelines may not sound fun. It may seem strict and inflexible, but it doesn’t have to be. There’s no punishment for not following the guidelines. It’s all about creating a structure that empowers you to live your best life.
When you have guidelines, you can start to eliminate waffling and indecision. You know what expectations you hold for yourself, and the path you want to follow becomes clear.
Covey’s Habits, Reimagined
We know that highly effective people have certain habits. But according to Forbes, Franklin Covey’s self-help empire can be boiled down to these two nuggets of wisdom: do something, and make a plan for what ensues.
Seems simple enough. Too simple, even. But these pointers provide a template for every person who wants to make a change in their life.
The New Rules: Six Tips for Organizing Your Life
1. Get Started
Don’t wait to start something. There may never be a perfect time, so all you can do is jump in and start swimming. It might be scary and stressful at first, but it becomes easier as you acclimatize.
2. Build Good Habits
Consider what habits will serve you best. Some bring you pleasure, and others will help you meet your short and long term goals. Good habits to get into include avoiding procrastination, waking up earlier, monotasking, or even learning to be patient with yourself and others.
3. Make a Plan
Learn to distinguish between what is urgent and what can wait. A to-do list with 20 items on it can be overwhelming, so break it down, then break it down again. Prioritize. Make a schedule. Give each item a deadline – for today, this week, this month, and this year.
4. Realistic Aspirations
We get it. You want to be an organizational mogul-superhero who gets things done. And you will – but it’s going to take time. Set realistic goals that can be accomplished within reasonable timelines.
5. Tidy Mind
Tidy space, tidy mind, so they say. Keep your area free of clutter, whether it’s your bedroom, office, day planner, or your digital space. Tidiness can yield surprising clarity.
6. Be Gentle
Organizing your life doesn’t happen overnight. You need time and patience to unlearn a lifetime’s worth of bad habits and develop new ones to replace them. You’ll get there! Be firm and intentional with yourself, but be gentle as well.
In closing, being organized has a lot to do with not letting yourself get bogged down with stress. You deserve to live your life, not just survive it. Organization is a worthwhile but lifelong pursuit. Keep on keeping on!