We face obstacles to progress every single day. Whether you’re stuck behind a slow driver on the freeway or encountering a barrier on the way to reaching a cherished goal, we all have different ways of dealing with the challenge.
How do You Deal with Obstacles?
Some of us simply ignore the obstacles in our path. Others will try to find a workaround. Still, others see their obstacles as permanent fixtures that can’t be changed.
Whatever obstacle you are facing, however, it’s unlikely it will clear on its own. You need to put some effort in to make things change and open up those avenues of opportunity. Failure to do so may cause stagnation, either personally or in your career – or perhaps, both.
Obstacle or Opportunity?
Success is all about seizing opportunities when they present themselves. When life puts an obstacle in your path, it’s an opportunity to show your strength and build resilience. If you choose to ignore or avoid your obstacles, you lose a chance for growth. The stronger you are, the better you will be able to weather any storm, find solutions, and prevail where others before you have failed.
Here are some tips to help you overcome your obstacles:
Take a Step Back
In the heat of the crisis, it’s challenging to see a solution. Take a step back and remove your emotions from the equation. Look at the situation logically, not personally. Once you have done so, it might be easier to solve the problem.
Get the Help You Need
You don’t have to go it alone. If an obstacle presents itself that requires some expertise that you do not have, ask for help. It could be legal advice, professional know-how, technical support, or a new software tool; if you can see what’s needed, don’t hesitate. Success is rarely a solo act.
Figure Out What’s Holding You Back
If you find yourself facing an obstacle you’ve experienced in the past, think about the causal similarities. What did you do to make this situation happen again? Did you simply ignore the obstacle, and now it’s come to a head? There could be any number of reasons—or excuses—you have for doing so, but are they even valid?
Do Things Differently
Think about the unsuccessful approach you used in the past and do something different this time. Tackling your obstacles head-on will give you a level of assurance that the same problem won’t rear its head again in the future. The solution might be simple, or it might require a little more effort; either way, if you want things to be different, you need to apply a different tactic.
Control What You Can Control
Some things, no matter how much you want them to be different, are simply beyond your control. Cultivate the ability to recognize what you can and cannot control, and you won’t be spinning your wheels. Things you can control include your attitude and how much effort you put towards a resolution. No matter what you’re facing, it’s how you respond to it that will make all the difference.
If you are facing obstacles in reaching your business goals, My Annapolis Office is here to help. Drop us a line today to learn more.