Small businesses are so important to the community. They build prosperity, diversity, and identity; they create jobs and generally provide a positive local impact that can be felt in just about every way possible.
Think your town is unique? Why do you suppose that is? In most cases, it has a lot to do with local businesses. Your Main Street is the heartbeat of the town and the companies such as Ceremony Coffee and shops that the local’s support are what sets the tone.
From the local library to everybody’s favorite coffee shop, hardware store, and the insurance company that’s been around since you can remember – all of these businesses reflect the unique character of the municipality. Supporting these local businesses preserves and protects the vibrant culture you love and ensures that it will endure.
Here are more reasons why it’s smart to do business locally
Sense of community
When you support local businesses, you promote reciprocity. Business owners will always support companies and individuals who support them, either through word-of-mouth recommendations or by visiting and patronizing other local businesses themselves.
Environmental benefits
When there are plenty of diverse local businesses to choose from, people will tend not to look too far afield to find what they need. A walkable main street means that fewer cars are on the road, and fewer resources are required, reducing fuel consumption and keeping the air clean. Additionally, local shops require less infrastructure and place fewer demands on city planning departments, helping to avoid bottlenecks that get in the way of progress.
Strengthens the local economy
The stronger and more vibrant the local community is, the more incentive there is to stay and work. This helps to retain valuable human resources as the job market will thrive, based on a loyal local following that is having its needs met on a daily basis. Additionally, wages paid by local businesses are generally higher than they are at major multinational corporations, meaning that local workers have access to a better quality of life.
Encourages competition and diversity
A little healthy competition is good for the economy as it drives prices down and offers more choice for consumers. Competition drives innovation, encouraging businesses to go above and beyond to provide what their customers need.
Strength in numbers
Business communities that stand together are always stronger. When crisis strikes, the tendency is to help rather than stand by and see what happens. Local BIAs do a great job of addressing local issues, providing a unified voice to stand against initiatives that could hurt or hinder local business concerns. Joint efforts can also facilitate group purchasing, public education, and joint marketing, providing value that goes far beyond just being neighborly.
In conclusion, we’re all in this together. In cities like Annapolis, it’s essential for local businesses to support each other as it will assure the strength and longevity of our community for generations to come.
My Annapolis Office is committed to supporting our local business community. We are announcing a new partnership to offer Ceremony Coffee here at our office. We are excited to be offering the best coffee in Annapolis to our members and visitors. Drop by for a tour today and an amazing cup of coffee or call us directly to learn more.